The Science of Instruction: Neuroscience-Based Teaching Methods to Improve Student Learning

Jill Maschio, PhD

July 24, 2023

What is a teaching method? Teaching methods are one of the most important components of any educational program. They tell us how to effectively plan, organize and deliver lessons in order for our students to get the most out of their learning experience. There are many different teaching methods available, such as lecture-based instruction, active learning techniques, inquiry-based instruction, project-based learning, problem-based learning, and more. Each of these methods has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it’s important for educators to select one that best suits their particular situation. For example, lecture-based instruction is a great option when teaching large groups of students with similar levels of knowledge about the subject matter. On the other hand, project-based learning may be better suited for more creative and independent learners, as it allows students to explore their own interests and discover new things.

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The Benefits of Identifying with a Teaching Style

It’s important for educators to identify the teaching method that works best for them and their students, so that they can provide a learning environment that is both engaging and effective for student success. Your teaching method will make an impact on communication and interaction with your students. It will set the culture in the classroom. The method that fits you best will boost your confidence and teaching skills. Students take note of things like how you interact and engage with students as well as your personality, whether you are approachable or not, and whether you care about your students. If you are happy, your students will tend to feel more comfortable in the classroom. Stressed students do not perform as well, so having a calming culture can help students feel that they are accepted by you and classmates.

One teaching method doesn’t have to be the only method used. It’s advantageous to mix things up a bit to keep students interested in learning. Try different teaching methods to see which one fits you best so that you can excel at teaching.

No matter which teaching method you choose, making sure that your students are engaged and motivated is key. As an educator, you should regularly assess whether your students are learning the material or not. By gauging your students’ learning and the environment, you can adjust your teaching method accordingly.

Teaching Methods Based on Neuroscience

Knowing how to teach sounds like a simple task. We all can remember being a kid in the classroom and the things we did during class time. But, knowing how to teach is knowing how the brain learns and what occurs at the neural level. Knowing about the brain and what it does while learning can influence your teaching methods.

You must understand why some teaching methods are better than others. There is no one size fits all when it comes to teaching, but we know that the brain works the same for every child and adult. Taking the time to learn how the brain functions can help you create effective lectures, activities, and lesson plans that work that match your teaching style.

The key takeaway here and a solution to a great and effective teaching method is that neuroscience can teach us what we need to know about how to teach. The more knowledge you have about the brain and how it learns, the better your teaching skills will be. Taking the time to learn how to teach is an investment that will pay off in spades when you reach out students.

It’s important to keep up with educational trends and incorporate them into your teaching style as well. It can start with neuroscience.

At, you can learn about neuroscience and how it can help you develop a new curriculum and make an existing one run more effectively. Click here to learn more.

